Acupuncture can REVERSE Carpal Tunnel Pain!
If you're experiencing pain, numbness, weakness, or tingling in the arm or fingers, you're likely suffering from compression of the...
High Fructose Corn Syrup: INCOGNITO!
High fructose corn syrup has a bad rep for a reason and has gone incognito! HFCS is hiding in your foods under the titles "fructose" or...
Are your acid reflux drugs making you sicker?!
We're a quick fix world - pop a pill that makes your symptoms feel better? Problem solved? But are you really healing the root cause of...
Skipping Breakfast is A-OK: The Low-Down on Intermittent Fasting!
So often when I speak to my patients about their eating regimens, they'll profess, with a rather guilty expression, that they don't like...
Self Care Love Affair!
Before we give to others, we must first and foremost nourish and take care of our own being. We are magical creatures with the ability...
Thankband: Track Acts of Kindness Around the World - SO COOL!
Okay guys, I am super excited about this!! Josh Gold, a wonderful human and friend of mine, has launched Thankband, an app for tracking...
Strengthen Your Mindfulness Muscles!
All muscles grow stronger when conditioned! Stay present while communicating, quit trying to control the things which we cannot, and...
Happy Year of the Yin Fire Rooster!
Happy Year of the Yin Fire Rooster!! This lunar year, the Rooster energy supports us in applying ourselves and committing to life's tasks...
Why Apple Cider Vinegar is Your New BFF
Sound familiar?! You eat healthy all day, and come night time you want to eat everything in sight?? You find yourself raiding the kitchen...
Full Moon Reflection
The full moon 🌕 harnesses our ability to bring projects to completion, ideas into the physical realm. The energy invites us to celebrate...