Happy Year of the Ox!

This lunar 🌙 year, ask yourself - what do I really want to create for myself?
Whatever the project is, whether it’s to start your own business, finally build that deck, write that book 📚, or you learn a new language...this is the year for it!
The power of the Ox is in its ability to help us transform negative challenges (the year of the Rat 🐭 usually is, and definitely was chaotic, I think we can all agree) & REBUILD.
The Ox is a hard worker of humble nature, & by plowing ahead reliably and patiently, can support our efforts to build.
The Ox exemplifies kindness, diligence, and conscientious effort.
Oxen can also be a bit little strong-willed, stubborn, and opinionated at times (coming from an Ox, I can honestly say I resonate with all of that lol. Lookin at you, fellow 1985’ers).
These qualities, for the better or worse, will be on your side this year as you focus on building certain aspects of your life.
Harness that energy! 🌀
2021 will be a great year to grind out & work towards the goals you’ve been dreaming of, or may even have started last year. Your hard work will be supported by the Ox essence & rewarded with success!
Note that Oxen do best after a peaceful night of sleep 😴, so be sure to get ample rest and you will kick some booty this upcoming lunar year!
Thanks for reading - email donna@leaflineacupuncture.com or call 914.393.0105 with any questions. Or if you need help sleeping in order to accomplish your goals, reach out for a session or even an herbal consult!
- Donna Harpaz AP, Dipl. OM